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A Meteoric Rise To


St. Andrea is a winery that did not exist 20 years ago, but in just two decades, they have managed to become one of Hungary's most prestigious winery.

This is their story...


1999 to 2001

''Producing red and white wines from the same area is a particularly challenging task. We would like to create terroir-specific character wines based on traditions and, at the same time, follow the requirements of today’s quality winemaking.''

György Lőrincz


2003 to 2004

"Old varieties, like Olaszrizling, Hárslevelű, Furmint, Kadarka and Kékfrankos take priority here. We seek to know more about our terroirs and parcels, to improve our cultivation and also to adjust the steps of our winemaking according to the different varieties... and put our heart and soul into understand the essence of our earthly mission."


2006 to 2009

2010 to 2020


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